Are you, or someone you love, considering hiring someone to provide live-in care? The decision to do so is not made lightly, but many seniors would prefer to live at home, even if they have limitations. These include vision problems or cognitive issues which prevent them from living safely at home without assistance. Here’s a closer look at what you can expect to spend on live-in care for you or someone you love.

There are many advantages to live-in care. Having a live-in caregiver means that you or the person in question gets to stay in familiar surroundings and sacrifices less freedom than if he or she moved to a care facility. A live-in caretaker provides companionship, helps with day-to-day chores, assists with caring for the person’s health and personal hygiene, and helps the person maintain greater independence than if he or she had to move to a care facility. However, how much is home care? Can you afford it? You may be surprised by the costs of caring for a loved one at home versus receiving residential care in a facility. Read on to learn more about how much does live-in care cost.

How Much Does Private Home Care Cost?

How much you’ll spend on care for a senior at home depends on a variety of factors. This includes the type of services needed, how much time is spent providing those services and what types of supplies are necessary to provide those services. The average amount you’ll spend also depends on the state where you live but recent stats suggest that you can expect to spend about $4,000/month. Some states average a higher per-hour rate for in-home care, including North Dakota and Alaska while states such as Louisiana, West Virginia and Alabama average lower per-hour rates.

Paying for Live-In Home Care

Once you’ve answered the question of how much is home health care, the question of how to pay for it arises. People use different methods to pay for in-home care. Many families pay for the service themselves; you may also have health insurance or managed care plans that contribute to the cost. In some cases, third-party payors, such as Medicare, Medicaid or the Veteran’s Administration, may help cover the expense.

If you’re looking for in-home care for yourself or a loved one, WellSprings Home Care provides compassionate caregiving to people who need it. For a free consultation, contact us today.